发布时间: 2014-03-24 浏览次数: 262

一、准备 Preparation

l  Start with the research

1)        问正确的问题

2)        与领域进展联系(原始性、创新性)

3)        引起其他科学家的兴趣

4)        不要重复(技术除外)

5)        选择正确的研究方法

6)        合理的研究基础(repeat produces reliability

7)        关注对照

8)        永远考虑多种解释

9)        合作,扩大专业与领域

l  What is a good paper

1)        Originality/Novelty

2)        Objective/Hypothesis

3)        Technical/Quality

4)        Clarity of Presentation

5)        Importance to Field

l  Can I publish this?

1)        Have you done something new and interesting?

2)        Have you check the latest results in the field

3)        Have the findings been verified

4)        Have the appropriate controls been performed

5)        Has proper statistical treatment of data been done?

6)        Do your findings tell a nice story or is the story incomplete?

7)        Is the work directly related to a current hot topic or providing solutions to any difficult problem?

If all answers are “yes”, a good, strong manuscript is that is needed next.



l  题目是用最少的词语最确切反映论文的内容

1)        准确得体(tell readers what your paper is all about

2)        简短精炼(keep it informative and concise

3)        便于检索(avoid jargons and abbreviations

4)        容易认读(attract the reader’s attention

5)        Be specific!!



l  Why is it important?

1)        通常是你论文最先被阅读到的部分

2)        如果摘要不好,你的论文就无法吸引审者和读者的注意

3)        论文审者通常仅仅根据你的摘要就对你的论文作出了初步判断

4)        A good abstract is usually followed by a good paper. A bad abstract often indicates a paper.

l  摘要实际上是一篇短小的论文

1)        This is the advertisement of your article. Make it interesting, and easy to be understood without reading the whole article;

2)        You must be accurate and specific!

3)        A clear abstract will strongly influence whether or not your work is further considered;

4)        Keep it as brief as possible.

l  结构

1)        一两句与领域最密切的基本知识

2)        一句与你工作密切相关的重大问题

3)        一句本研究内容

4)        四句讲结果

5)        一句总结



l  全面评价以往工作

1)        客观全面地评价以往的工作,通常反映作者的学术水平和学术道德;

2)        必须引用最新的相关文献;

3)        清晰地指出研究的目的及当前工作的独创性;

l  Convince readers you know why your work is useful

1)        Give overall picture, keep it brief;

2)        Current state of knowledge

3)        What is the problem? Are there any existing solutions? What are the main limitations? What do you hope to achieve?

l  结构

1)        工作领域评估(知道什么,不知道什么,矛盾);

2)        哪些问题需解答,解答的必要性;

3)        公平、目的性评估研究内容。


五、材料与方法(Material and Methods

l  How was the problem studied?

1)        Should be described enough for other experienced scientists to repeat your work;

2)        List all major materials critical for research;

3)        Do not cut-and-paste other people’s methods, use your own words;

4)        Cite the references of original methods

5)        Note the statistical analysis



l  What have you found?

1)        小标题要有信息量(Be structured)

2)        讲故事(Tell a clear and easy to understand story

3)        逻辑流动(logic flow is more important than time flow

4)        Only representative results

l  一图胜千言

1)        一定要避免以插图和表格的形式复述同样的数据,除非重复的理由十分必要

4)        如果强调展示给读者精确的数值,就采用表格形式;如果要强调展示数据的分布特征或变化趋势,则宜采用图示方法


4)        如果强调展示给读者精确的数值,就采用表格形式;如果要强调展示数据的分布特征或变化趋势,则宜采用图示方法



l  特别重视对结果的讨论