





邹威(1991—),男,博士,副教授,博士生导师,南开大学优秀研究生毕业生,中原千人计划-中原青年拔尖人才,河南省高层次人才。主持承担国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年基金、河南省优秀青年基金、青年人才托举工程项目(中国生态学学会)等各类项目课题9项,以第一/通讯作者在Environ. Sci. Technol.Water Res.Environ. Int.J. Hazard. Mater.等环境科学与生态学领域顶级期刊发表学术论文30余篇,拟承担环境毒理学和生态学方向的学生培养工作,现主要从事新污染物的多介质环境行为及生物生态效应研究。


2022.01-至今      河南师范大学 环境学院 副教授

2018.07-2021.12   河南师范大学 环境学院 讲师

2015.09-2018.07   南开大学 环境科学与工程学院 博士

2012.09-2015.07   南开大学 环境科学与工程学院 硕士

2008.09-2012.07   武汉理工大学 资源与环境工程学院 学士









2Environ. Sci. Technol.Water Res.J. Hazard. Mater.Sci. Total Environ.Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol.等期刊审稿人


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:纳米二硫化钼在氯化消毒过程中的转化及对其藻类毒性演变的影响研究(31770550),2024.01–2027.12,主持;

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年基金:水体中胞外聚合物作用下单层二硫化钼的化学转化机制及生物效应研究(21906043),2020.01–2022.12,主持;

[3] 中原千人计划-青年拔尖人才项目(ZYQR201912188),2020.01–2022.12,主持;

[4] 河南省优秀青年基金项目:微塑料的肠-肝轴干扰效应及其分子机制(232300421102),2023.01–2025.12,主持;

[5] 中国生态学学会青年人才托举工程(2021–2023)项目(STQT2021C08),污染生态学,2021.01–2023.12,主持;

[6] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:生物介质调控二硫化钼环境转化及生态风险的机制研究(2018M642757),2018.12–2020.12,主持;

[7] 河南师范大学青年基金项目:水体中天然纳米胶体对磺胺ARGs水平转移的影响及分子机理,2019.01–2021.12,主持;

[8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:石墨烯在沉积物-水界面迁移释放及其诱发底栖生物响应的机制研究(31770550),2018.01–2021.12,参与;

[9] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:底泥石油污染生物电化学原位生态修复及机理(31570504),2016.01–2019.12,参与。


近年来以第一/通讯作者身份共计发表论文26篇,其中SCI论文23篇(中科院一区论文19篇),包括环境科学与生态学领域权威期刊Environ. Sci. Technol.论文5篇(2篇入选封面论文)、Water Res.论文1篇,Environ. Int.论文1篇,J. Hazard. Mater.论文9篇,总被引900余次,单篇被引>50次论文8篇。

[1]Zou W.*, et al. Mitigation effects and associated mechanisms of environmentally relevant thiols on the phytotoxicity of molybdenum disulfide nanosheets. Environmental Science & Technology2022, 56(13), 9556-9568.ES&T副封面)

[2]Zou W., et al. Photo-oxidative degradation mitigated the developmental toxicity of polyamide microplastics to zebrafish larvae by modulating macrophage-triggered proinflammatory responses and apoptosis. Environmental Science & Technology2020, 54 (21): 13888-13898.

[3]Zou W., et al. Influence of size and phase on the biodegradation, excretion, and phytotoxicity persistence of single-layer molybdenum disulfide. Environmental Science & Technology2020, 54(19): 12295-12306.

[4]Zou W., et al. Dissolved oxygen and visible light irradiation drive the structural alterations and phytotoxicity mitigation of single-layer molybdenum disulfide. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53(13), 7759−7769.ES&T副封面)

[5]Zou W., et al. Environmental transformations and phytotoxicity of single layer molybdenum disulfide regulated by human acid. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52, 2638−2648.

[6] Zou W.*, et al. Impact of algal extracellular polymeric substances on the environmental fate and risk of molybdenum disulfide in aqueous media. Water Research 2021, 205, 117708.

[7] Zhang X., Xia M., Zhao J., Cao Z., Zou W.*, Zhou Q. Photoaging enhanced the adverse effects of polyamide microplastics on the growth, intestinal health, and lipid absorption in developing zebrafish. Environment International2022, 158, 106922.

[8] Zhang X., Shi J., Wang R., Ma J., Li, X., Cai W., Li T., Zou W.* Acute exposure to tris(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl)phosphate elicits cardiotoxicity in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae via inducing ferroptosis. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 471, 134389.

[9] Zou W.*, et al. Toxicity of hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets to freshwater algae: Phospholipid membrane damage and carbon assimilation inhibition. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 465, 133204.

[10] Zhang X., Shi J., Yuan P., Li T., Cao Z., Zou W.* Differential developmental and proinflammatory responses of zebrafish embryo to repetitive exposure of biodigested polyamide and polystyrene microplastics. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 460, 132472.

[11]Zou W.*, et al. Componential and molecular-weight-dependent effects of natural organic matter on the colloidal behavior, transformation, and toxicity of MoS2 nanoflakes. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 459, 132186.

[12] Zhang X., Zhao J., Gan T., Jin C., Li X., Cao Z., Jiang K., Zou W.* Aging relieves the promotion effects of polyamide microplastics on parental transfer and developmental toxicity of TDCIPP to zebrafish offspring. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 437, 129409.

[13] Zou W.*, et al. Impact of sulfhydryl ligands on the transformation of silver ions by molybdenum disulfide and their combined toxicity to freshwater algae. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 435, 128953.

[14] Zou W.*, et al. Photoinduced transformation of silver ion by molybdenum disulfide nanoflakes at environmentally relevant concentrations attenuates its toxicity to freshwater algae. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 416, 126043.

[15] Zou W.*, et al. Sulfur vacancies affect the environmental fate, corona formation, and microalgae toxicity of molybdenum disulfide nanoflakes. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 419, 126499.

[16] Zhang X., Xia M., Su X., Yuan P., Li X., Zhou C., Wan Z., Zou W.*, Photolytic degradation elevated the toxicity of polylactic acid microplastics to developing zebrafish by triggering mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 413, 125321.

[17] Zou W.*, et al. Interactions of monolayer molybdenum disulfide sheets with metalloid antimony in aquatic environment: Adsorption, transformation, and joint toxicity. Science of the Total Environment2024, 926, 171937.

[18]Zou W., et al. Graphene oxide nanosheets mitigate the developmental toxicity of TDCIPP in zebrafish via activating the mitochondrial respiratory chain and energy metabolism. Science of the Total Environment2020, 727, 138486.

[19] Jin C., Cao J., Zhang K., Zhang X., Cao Z., Zou W.* Promotion effects and mechanisms of molybdenum disulfide on the propagation of antibiotic resistance genes in soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety2023, 256, 114913.

[20]Zou W., et al. Characterization of the effects of trace concentrations of graphene oxide on zebrafish larvae through proteomic and standard methods. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety2018,159, 221–231.

[21]Zou W., et al. Cellular proliferation and differentiation induced by single-layer molybdenum disulfide and mediation mechanisms of proteins via the Akt-mTOR-p70S6K signaling pathway. Nanotoxicology2017, 11, 781–793.

[22]Zou W., et al. Graphene oxide inhibits antibiotic uptake and antibiotic resistance gene propagation.ACS Applied Materials& Interfaces 2016, 8, 33165-33174.

[23] Zou W., et al. Systematic stress persistence and recovery patterns of rice (Oryza sativa L.) roots in response to molybdenum disulfide nanosheets. Chemosphere 2023, 321, 138166.

[24]邹威, . 华北地区不同规模畜禽养殖场粪便中抗生素抗性基因污染特征.农业环境科学学报. 2020.

[25]邹威, 罗义, 周启星*. 畜禽粪便中抗生素抗性基因污染问题及环境调控. 农业环境科学学报. 2014, 33: 2281–2287

[26]张杏丽,史菁,赵静宜,金彩霞,张国庆,邹威*. 环境浓度微塑料增强TDCIPP肝脏毒性及其分子响应机制. 生态毒理学报2023, 18(04), 384–400.



[1] 中国生态学学会环境污染与生态保护优秀青年学者(2024

[2] 河南省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师(2023

[3] 河南省文明教师(2022

[4] 河南省高等学校优秀共产党员(2021

[5] 河南省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师(2023

[6] 河南师范大学“立德树人”先进个人(2023
