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2024.08-至今       河南师范大学环境学院  讲师

2020.09-2024.07   浙江大学              博士

2014.09-2017.07   西安交通大学          硕士

2010.09-2014.07   安阳工学院            学士




[1] 基于2022杭州亚运会研究短期减排措施对VOCs排放及臭氧生成的响应关系(221061342022-2024 参与

[2] 公约受控卤代烃减排成效评估和预测预警研究(2019YFC02145002020-2023 参与

[3]绍兴市空气环境O3VOCs协同作用课题研究(CGSHZJ-2018-N0001392018-2019 参与

[4] 郑州市臭氧生成机理及挥发性有机物(VOCs)来源量化研究2017-2018 参与


[1]Li, B.; Huang, J.; Hu, X.; Zhang, L.; Ma, M.; Hu, L.; Chen, D.; Du, Q.; Sun, Y.; Cai, Z., Chen, A.; Li, X.; Feng, R.; Prinn, R.; Fang, X.* CCl4 emissions in eastern China during 2021–2022 and exploration of potential new sources. Nature Communications 2024, 15 (1).

[2]Li, B.; Zhao, X.; Li, X.; Hu, X.; Hu, L.; Chen, D.; An, M.; Yang, Y.; Feng, R.; Guo, L., Jiang, P.; Yao, B.; Hu, J.*; Fang, X.* Emission factors of ozone-depleting chloromethanes during production processes based on field measurements surrounding a typical chloromethane plant in China.Journal of Cleaner Production2023, 414, 137573.

[3]   Li, B.; Ho, S. S. H.; Li, X.; Guo, L.; Chen, A.; Hu, L.; Yang, Y.; Chen, D.; Lin, A.; Fang, X.* A comprehensive review on anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission estimates in China: Comparison and outlook. Environment International 2021, 156, 106710.

[4]   Li, B.;Ho, S. S. H.*; Gong, S.*; Ni, J.; Li, H.; Han, L.; Yang, Y.; Qi, Y.; Zhao, D. Characterization of VOCs and their related atmospheric processes in a central Chinese city during severe ozone pollution periods. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2019, 19 (1), 617-638.

[5]   Li, B.; Yu, S.; Shao, M.; Li, X.; Ho, S. S. H.; Hu, X.; Wang, H.; Feng, R.; Fang, X.* New insights into photochemical initial concentrations of VOCs and their source implications. Atmospheric Environment 2023, 298,119616.

[6]   Li, B.; Ho, S. S. H.; Li, X.; Guo, L.; Feng, R.; Fang, X.* Pioneering observation of atmospheric volatile organic compounds in Hangzhou in eastern China and implications for upcoming 2022 Asian Games. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2023, 124, 723-734.

[7]   Li, B.; Ho, S. S. H.*; Qu, L.; Gong, S*.; Ho, K. F.; Zhao, D.; Qi, Y.; Chan, C. S. Temporal and spatial discrepancies of VOCs in an industrial-dominant city in China during summertime. Chemosphere 2021, 264 (Pt 2), 128536.

[8]   Li, B.; Wang, J.; Wang, J.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, Q.* A comprehensive study on emission of volatile organic compounds for light duty gasoline passenger vehicles in China: Illustration of impact factors and renewal emissions of major compounds. Environmental Research 2021, 193, 110461.

[9]Li, B.; Ho, S. S. H.; Xue, Y.; Huang, Y.*; Wang, L.; Cheng, Y.; Dai, W.; Zhong, H.; Cao, J.; Lee, S. Characterizations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from vehicular emissions at roadside environment: The first comprehensive study in Northwestern China. Atmospheric Environment 2017, 161, 1-12.
