姓名: 张军

性别: 男

学历: 博士研究生

职称/职务: 副教授


所在研究所/科室: 光学工程研究所




博士研究生,   北京师范大学物理学系,20129-20157

硕士研究生,   南昌大学理学院,  20099-20127

本科,      阜阳师范大学物理系, 20049-20087


20224月至今,       河南师范大学物理学院,副教授

20157-20224月,     河南师范大学物理学院,讲师







1.J. Zhang, M. T. Li, B. B. Dong, Y. J. Wang, S. Q. Xia, H. Lu, Y. F. Liu, and K. Yu, “Strongly coupled surface plasmon resonance modes at both FF and SH in clusters of symmetrically distributed metallic nanospheres”, J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 55, 485103 (2022).

2.P. Shen, X. C. Xiong, W. Zhang, Y. F. Liu, J. Zhang, and K. Yu, “Multi-band perfect absorber based on graphene monolayer coupled to photonic nanostructure”, Appl. Phys. Express 15, 072005 (2022).

3.J. Zhang, Y. C. Wang, Y. G. Wang, H. C. Liu, K. S. Shen, Y. Zheng, H. Lu, and K. Yu, “The generating and modulating characteristics of bound states in the continuum for both TE and TM polarizations by one-dimensional photonic crystal slabs”, J. Opt. 23, 105202.(2021).

4.J. Zhang, H. Lu, K. S. Shen, H. C. Liu, Y. zheng, and X. L. Zhang, “Second-harmonic generation from 2D photonic crystal waveguide with simultaneous near-flat dispersions at fundamental frequency and second harmonic”, Opt. Commu. 472, 125885 (2020).

5.J. Zhang and X. D. Zhang, “Simultaneous negative refraction and focusing of fundamental frequency and second-harmonic fields by two-dimensional photonic crystals”, J. Appl. phys. 118, 123103 (2015).

6.J. Zhang, M. D. Zhang, Y. N. Liu, and X. D. Zhang, “Highly efficient second-harmonic generation from a two-dimensional linear–nonlinear photonic crystal heterostructure”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 31, 3018 (2014).

7.J. Zhang, T. B. Yu, N. H. Liu, J. Y. Yang, Q. H. Liao and X. Q. Jiang, “High transmitting and coupling characteristics of light at the surface of photonic crystal with a triangular lattice of air holes”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29, 748 (2012).

8.张军,于天宝,刘念华,廖清华,何灵娟,“全内反射型三角晶格光子晶体多模波导中的光传播特性”, 物理学报60,104217(2011).



  1. 20215月获全国高等学校物理基础课程大学物理青年讲课比赛(河南赛区)一等奖。

  2. 202012月获第六届全国大学生物理实验竞赛(讲课比赛)优秀指导教师(指导本科生获全国讲课比赛一等奖)

  3. 201910月获第三届河南省大学生物理实验竞赛优秀指导教师(指导本科生获河南省实验竞赛一等奖)