
马晓  博士/副教授

马晓,男,山东胶南人,2014年获湖南农业大学理学博士学位。长期从事水产动物遗传育种、水产动物性别发育研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、河南省科技攻关项目、河南省教育厅重点项目等10余项,在国内外期刊AquacultureJournal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyBMC Genomics、水产学报、中国水产科学等发表文章10余篇。







博士(2011/09-2014/07: 湖南农业大学,动物科学与技术学院,水生生物学专业




2022/02- 至今:河南师范大学水产学院,副教授

2014/07- 2021/01:河南师范大学水产学院,讲师









2. 中华鳖性别发育


1. Cyp19a1基因在中华鳖精巢发育与精子发生中的功能及转录调控研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持,2020.01-2022.12

2. 不同养殖模式中华鳖卵巢发育评估及育种应用研究,河南省科技攻关项目,主持,2021.01-2022.12

3. 黄河下游防洪工程(河南段)黄河鲁豫交界段国家级水产种质资源保护区影响生态补偿,主持,2019.03-2024.03


1. Yijie Gao, Qisheng Wu, Guiyu Wang, Shufang Zhang, Wenge Ma, Xi Shi, Huifen Liu, Limin Wu, Xue Tian, Xuejun Li*, Xiao Ma*. Histomorphic analysis and expression of mRNA and miRNA in embryonic gonadal differentiation in Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). Gene, 2024, 893, 147913.*通信作者)

2. Guiyu Wang, Ruiyi Lu, Yijie Gao, Haoran Zhang, Xi Shi, Wenge Ma, Limin Wu, Xue Tian, Huifen Liu, Hongxia Jiang, Xuejun Li*, Xiao Ma*. Molecular characterization and potential function of Rxrγ in gonadal differentiation of Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2023, 233, 106360. *通信作者)

3. Haoran Zhang, Yijie Gao, Guiyu Wang, Qingqing Xin, Xue Tian, Limin Wu, Xi Shi, Wenge Ma, Huifen Liu, Hongxia Jiang, Qisheng Wu, Xuejun Li*, Xiao Ma*. Molecular cloning and characterization of Sirt1 and its role in the follicle of juvenile Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). Gene, 2023, 860, 147211. *通信作者)

4. Luming Wang, Shuangshuang Cen, Xi Shi, Haoran Zhang, Limin Wu, Xue Tian, Wenge Ma, Xuejun Li*, Xiao Ma*. Molecular characterization and functional analysis of Esr1 and Esr2 in gonads of Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2022, 222, 106147. *通信作者)

5. Xiao Ma, Guiyu Wang, Huifen Liu, Limin Wu, Xue Tian, Luming Wang, Shuangshuang Cen, Chao Zhang, Junchang Feng, Qisheng Wu, Xiaoqing Wang*, Xuejun Li*. Characterization of aromatase in testes and potential functional analysis

with letrozole administration in male Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). Aquaculture, 2021, 544: 737089.

6. Xiao Ma, Guiyu Wang, Limin Wu, Huifen Liu, Hongxia Jiang, Luming Wang, Qian Liu, Qisheng Wu, Xue Tian*, Xuejun Li*. Dynamic expression and functional analysis of circular RNA in the gonads of Chinese soft-shelled turtles (Pelodiscus sinensis). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 2021, 39: 100863.

7. Xiao Ma, Shuangshuang Cen, Luming Wang, Chao Zhang, Limin Wu, Xue Tian, Qisheng Wu, Xuejun Li*, Xiaoqing Wang*. Genome-wide identification and comparison of differentially expressed profiles of miRNAs and lncRNAs with associated ceRNA networks in the gonads of Chinese soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis. BMC Genomics, 2020, 21: 443.

8. Xiao Ma, Luming Wang, Dizhi Xie, Xue Tian, Yuru Zhang, Limin Wu, Huifen Liu, Lei Wang, Chuanju Dong, Xuejun Li*, Guoxing Nie*. Effect of dietary linolenic/linoleic acid ratios on growth performance, ovarian steroidogenesis, plasma sex steroid hormone, and tissue fatty acid accumulation in juvenile common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Aquaculture Reports, 2020, 18: 100452.

9. Xiao Ma, Yi Hu*, Xiao-Qing Wang*, Qing-Hui Ai, Zhi-Gang He, Fu-Xian Feng, Xiang-Yang Lu. Effects of practical dietary protein to lipid levels on growth, digestive enzyme activities and body composition of juvenile rice field eel (Monopterus albus). Aquaculture International, 2014, 22: 749-760.

10. Limin Wu, Yufeng Xu, Xixi Lv, Xulu Chang, Xiao Ma, Xue Tian, Xi Shi, Xuejun Li*, Xianghui Kong*. Impacts of an azo food dye tartrazine uptake on intestinal barrier, oxidative stress, inflammatory response and intestinal microbiome in crucian carp (Carassius auratus). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 223, 112551.

11. Huifen Liu, Jing Wang, Limin Zhang, Qi Guo, Xiao Ma, Limin Wu, Xue Tian, Guoxing Nie*, Xuejun Li*. Effects of recombinant AMH during oocyte maturation in spotted steed Hemibarbus maculatus. Aquaculture, 2021, 543, 736961.

12. Limin Wu, Yongjing Li, Yufeng Xu, Lei Wang, Xiao Ma, Chuanju Dong, Xianliang Zhao, Xue Tian, Xuejun Li*, Xianghui Kong*. The roles of two myostatins and immune effects after inhibition in Qi river crucian carp (Carassius auratus). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2020,98,710-719.

13. Chuanju Dong, Xiaodi Duan, Laghari Muhammad Younis, Meng Zhang, Xiao Ma, Baohua Chen, Xuejun Li, Peng Xu. Mitogenomic Perspectives on the Adaptation to Extreme Alkaline Environment of Amur ide (Leuciscus waleckii). Marine Biotechnology, 2020, 22:220-232.

14. 李俊茹,马晓,吴利敏,刘慧芳,石西,宋红梅,田雪*,李学军*. 锦鲤microRNA-137系统进化、靶基因验证及表达分析. 水产学报,2021456):831-845. 

15. 刘倩,马晓*,岑双双,田雪,王璐明,吴利敏,刘慧芳,李学军*. 中华鳖StAR基因的克隆、表达及多克隆抗体制备. 水产学报,20204411):1813-1823.

16. 岑双双,马晓*,刘倩,王璐明,张超,吴利敏,刘慧芳,李学军*. 中华鳖Gper基因克隆、表达及其在精巢中的功能. 中国水产科学,2020278):868-878.

17. 胡菊,冯彩,马晓,吴利敏,刘慧芳,宋红梅,胡隐昌,田雪,李学军*. 锦鲤墨蝶呤还原酶基因的克隆、表达和定位分析. 水产学报,2020444):551-561.

18. 吴利敏,徐瑜凤,李永婧,李燕锋,马晓,王磊,刘慧芳,袁淑仪,杨慧,李学军*. 急性氨氮胁迫对淇河鲫幼鱼脑、鳃、肝、肾组织结构的影响. 中国水产科学,2020277):789-800.

19. 张超,马晓*,刘倩,吴利敏,刘慧芳,李学军*,王璐明. 中华鳖NR5a2基因的克隆与表达分析. 淡水渔业,2019494):29-34.


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