

杨育捷,1978.8,中共党员,副教授, 博士,硕士生导师

Email: yangyujie@htu.edu.cn








[1] Yujie Yang, Long Wang, Dong Liu, Anchor link prediction across social networks based on multiple consistency[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2022, 257: 109939. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2022.109939. (SCI Indexed)

[2] YujieYang, Zhang qianqian, Multiview framework using a 3D residual network for pulmonary micronodule malignancy risk classification[J]. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering. 2020,31(4):253-267. doi: 10.3233/BME-206005. (SCI Indexed)

[3] Yujie Yang, Jianhua Zhang, Xuzhen Zhu, Jinming Ma, xin Su. Link prediction based on the tie connection strength of common neighbor[J]. International of Modern Physics C, 2019, 30(11):1-16. (SCI Indexed)

[4] Yujie Yang, Jianhua Zhang, Xuzhen Zhu. Punishing the redundant influence improves the accuracy of link prediction[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2018, 32(15): 1850179. (SCI Indexed).

[5] Yujie Yang, Jianhua Zhang, Xuzhen Zhu, et al. Link prediction via significant influence[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2018, 492: 1521530. (SCI Indexed).

[6] Xuzhen Zhu, Yujie Yang, Li L, et al. Roles of degree, H-index and coreness in link prediction of complex networks[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2018, 32(16): 1850197. (SCI Indexed).

[7] Xuzhen Zhu, Yujie Yang, Guilin Chen, et al. Information filtering based on corrected redundancy-eliminating mass diffusion[J]. PLOS ONE, 2017, 12(7): e0181402. (SCI Indexed).

[8] Jianhua Zhang, Yang Yujie, Lei Tian, Ping Zhang. Big-Data-Ming-Based Wireless Channel Modeling Method: USA, US 9906963B2[P]. 2018-027.

[9] Jianhua Zhang, Yujie Yang, Ping Zhang. Method, device and storage medium for determining location of intelligent base station: China, 201811176132.4[P].2019-013.

[10] Jianhua Zhang, Ping Zhang, Lei Tian, Yujie Yang. A Wireless Channel Modeling Method Based on Big Data Mining: China, 201610456787.1[P]. 2019-002.


1. 复杂网络下基于拓扑相似性的链路预测研究,河南省高等学校重点科研计划项目,结项,主持;


3. LTE移动通信网络虚拟化场景下资源分配方案研究,河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目基础研究计划,结项,主持;

4. 无线资源管理的关键技术及其在绿色通信网络中的应用新乡市重点科技攻关计划项目结项,主持

