





宋跃飞,博士、教授。主要从事纳滤膜法水污染控制相关研究。主持完成国家及省部级以上项目6项。以第一/通讯作者在Water Res., J. Membr. Sci., J. Clean. Prod.等域内期刊发表高水平学术论文50余篇,其中一区SCI 16篇,H指数21,他引1000余次,授权国家发明/实用新型专利9



2010.09-2013.07   中国海洋大学博士导师:高从堦院士

2007.09-2010.07   中国海洋大学硕士导师:高从堦院士

2003.09-2007.07   河南师范大学  学士  导师:李全民教授


2024.03-至今      河南师范大学环境学院教授

2017.05-2024.02    河南师范大学环境学院副教授

2013.09-2017.04    河南师范大学环境学院讲师




[1] 中国膜工业协会运维分会专委员会委员

[2] Membranes, Front. Membr. Sci. Technol., Separations期刊客座编辑;

[3] J. Clean. Prod., Sci. Total Environ., J. Hazard. Mater., J. Environ. Manage., Environ. Sci.: Nano10余个SCI源期刊的审稿人。


  1. 河南省科技开发联合基金重点项目(235200810043):有机废弃反渗透膜组件原位修复与循环利用关键技术研究,2024/01-2025/12,(第二参与)

  2. 河南省自然科学基金面上项目(22230420475):基于光催化纳滤膜的复合微污染水质净化与毒性控制机理,2022/01-2023/12,主持

  3. 国家自然科学基金项目(21606074):荷电性能对纳滤膜盐水软化中膜面结垢过程的影响机制,2017/01-2019/12,主持

  4. 河南省科技攻关项目(19210221045):兼具可控荷电性和抑垢性能的混合基质纳滤膜构建及其微结构调控:2019/01-2020/12,主持

  5. 中国博士后基金特别资助项目(2017T100533):荷电性壳聚糖磷酸酯纳滤膜的抑垢性能调控制备,2017/06-2018/12,主持

  6. 中国博士后基金面上资助项目(2016M592297):荷电性能对纳滤膜软化中膜面污染趋势预测的影响机制,2016/05-2018/12,主持

  7. 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项子课题项目(2015ZX07204-002):发制品行业生产环节节水减排关键技术研究,2015/01-2018/12(第参与)

  8. 河南省科技攻关项目(152102310315):基于黄淮地区高回收率苦咸水淡化的膜污染趋势预测、机理及PCS复合纳滤膜制备研究,2015/01-2017/12,主持


  1. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Meng C., Lyu Y., Liu Y., Li Y., Jiang Z., Jiang K., Hu C.**, Self-cleaning foulant attachment on near-infrared responsive photocatalytic membrane for continuous dynamic removing antibiotics in sewage effluent environment, Water Res., 2024, 248: 120867.

  2. Li T., Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Ma S., Bai X., Zhang L., Tan A., Jiang K.**, Cause analysis for fouling mitigation, techno-economic and toxicity reduction assessments of hairwork dyeing effluent reclamation via membrane-based hybrid systems, J. Clean. Prod., 2023, 403: 136892.

  3. Li C.*, Song K., Hao C., Liang W., Li X., Zhang W., Wang Y., Song Y.(宋跃飞), Fabrication of S-PBI cation exchange membrane with excellent anti-fouling property for enhanced performance in electrodialysis, Colloid. Surface A, 2023, 661: 130910.

  4. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Wang Y., Hou M., Du C., Chen K., Zhang Y., Jiang K.**, Effect of surface grafting with quaternized carbon quantum dots on nanofiltration membrane removing contaminants from micro-polluted river water, J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2023, 11(1): 109244.

  5. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Meng C., Chen X., Li Y., Ma S., Li T., Jiang K.**, Synchronous removal of antibiotics in sewage effluent by surface-anchored photocatalytic nanofiltration membrane in a continuous dynamic process, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2023, 10: 567-580.

  6. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Li Y., Chen X., Meng C., Ma S., Li T., Jiang K., Hu C.**, Simultaneous degradation and separation of antibiotics in sewage effluent by photocatalytic nanofiltration membrane in a continuous dynamic process, Water Res., 2023, 229: 119460.

  7. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Chen X., Li Y., Meng C., Ma S., Li T., Hu C.**, Synchronous removal of small-sized antibiotics by bifunctional photocatalytic nanofiltration membrane in a continuous flow-through process under multiple influent matrices, ACS ES&T Water, 2022, 2(12): 2567-2578. (Supplementary Cover封面文章)

  8. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Li X., Wang Y., Ma S., Li T., Chen X., Li Y., Jiang K.**, Adsorption and fouling behaviors of customized nanocomposite membrane to trace pharmaceutically active compounds under multiple influent matrices, Water Res., 2021, 206: 117762.

  9. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Bai X., Zhang N., Lu Z., Zhu M., Wang Y., Kai J.**, Custom-tailoring tight nanocomposite membranes for advanced reclamation of hairwork dyeing effluent, J. Membr. Sci., 2021, 636: 119580.

  10. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Wang Y., Zhang N., Li X., Bai X., Li T.**, Quaternized carbon-based nanoparticles embedded positively charged composite membranes towards efficient removal of cationic small-sized contaminants, J. Membr. Sci., 2021, 630: 119332.

  11. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Sun Y., Zhang N., Li C., Li T.**, Custom-tailoring loose nanocomposite membrane incorporated bipiperidine/graphene quantum dots for high-efficient dye/salt fractionation in hairwork dyeing effluent, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2021, 271: 118870.

  12. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Li X., Sun Y., Wang Y., Bai X., Zhang X., Zhang N., Jiang K.**, Nanofiltration fouling behaviors with different membrane materials induced by residual natural organics left over after ultrafiltration unit encountered with divalent cations, Chem. Eng. J., 2021, 413: 127398.

  13. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Li X., Li C., Li J., Dong Z., Zhang M., Qi P., Bai X., Jiang K.**, Exploring and comparing the roles of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in small-sized natural organics-induced charged nanofiltration membrane fouling, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2020, 251: 117415.

  14. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Hu Q., Li T., Li J., Jiang K.**, Gao C., Advanced reclamation of hairwork dyeing effluent using tree-shaped cellulose flocculants and subsequent optimization of dual-membrane performance and fouling behavior, J. Clean. Prod., 2020, 268: 122348.

  15. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Sun Y., Chen M., Huang P., Li T., Zhang X., Jiang K.**, Efficient removal and fouling-resistant of anionic dyes by nanofiltration membrane with phosphorylated chitosan modified graphene oxide nanosheets incorporated selective layer, J. Water Proc. Eng., 2020, 34: 101086.

  16. Li C.*, Song Y.(宋跃飞), Wang X., Zhang Q., Synthesis, characterization and application of S-TiO2/PVDF-g-PSSA composite membrane for improved performance in MFCs, Fuel, 2020, 264: 116847.

  17. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Hu Q., Sun Y., Li X., Wan H., Zang L., Jiang K.**, Gao C., The feasibility of UF-RO integrated membrane system combined with coagulation/flocculation for hairwork dyeing effluent reclamation, Sci. Total Environ., 2019, 691: 45-54.

  18. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Hu Q., Li T., Sun Y., Chen X., Fan J., Fabrication and characterization of phosphorylated chitosan nanofiltration membranes with tunable surface charges and improved selectivities, Chem. Eng. J., 2018, 352: 163-172.

  19. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Qin W., Zhang S.,Hu Q., Ren R., Xue S., Surface electrokinetic phenomenon of DK nanofiltration membrane under threshold concentration condition, CIESC Journal, 2018, 69(7): 3286-3292.

  20. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Qin W., Li T., Hu Q., Gao C., The role of nanofiltration membrane surface charge on the scale-prone ions concentration polarization for low or medium saline water softening, Desalination, 2018, 432: 81-88.

  21. Su X., Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Li T., Gao C., Effect of feed water characteristics on nanofiltration separating performance for brackish water treatment in the Huanghuai region of China, J. Water. Proc. Eng., 2017, 19: 147-155.

  22. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Zhao G., Li T., Qin W., Influence of feedwater quality on nanofiltration membrane softening efficiencies for brackish water in long-term operation, CIESC Journal, 2017, 68(8): 3133-3140.

  23. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Li T., Zhou J., Li Z., Gao C., Analysis of nanofiltration membrane performance during softening process of simulated brackish groundwater, Desalination, 2016, 339:159-164.

  24. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Li T., Zhou J., Pan F., Su B., Gao C., Comprehensive pilot-scale investigation of seawater nanofiltration softening by increasing permeate recovery with recirculation, Desali. Water Treat., 2016, 57(37):17271-17282.

  25. Song Y.(宋跃飞)*, Li T., Zhou J.**, Gao X., Gao C., Improvement of overall water recovery by increasing RNF with recirculation in a NF-RO integrated membrane process for seawater desalination, Desalination, 2015, 361: 95-104.

  26. Song Y.(宋跃飞), Gao X.*, Gao C., Evaluation of scaling potential in a pilot-scale fully integrated NF-RO membrane seawater desalination system, J. Membrane. Sci., 2013, 443: 201-209.

  27. Song Y.(宋跃飞), Su B.*, Gao X., Gao C., Investigation on high NF permeate recovery and scaling potential in NF-SWRO integrated membrane operation, Desalination, 2013, 330: 61-69.

  28. Song Y.(宋跃飞), Su B.*, Gao X., Gao C., The performance of polyamide nanofiltration membrane for long-term operation in an integrated membrane seawater pretreatment system, Desalination, 2012, 296: 30-36.

  29. Song Y.(宋跃飞), Xu J., Xu Y., Gao X., Gao C.*, Performance of UF-NF integrated membrane process for seawater softening, Desalination, 2011, 276: 109-116.


[1]李铁梅,宋跃飞,秦文博,户启华,张小转,樊静,一种提高膜过滤系统性能的污水处理装置,专利号:ZL201711167127.2/ ZL201721564875.X









[1] 2021年指导本科生获河南省大学生创新创业训练计划项目优秀成果奖。

[2] 2024年指导硕士生获河南省优秀毕业生称号。
