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吴青,博士。主持或参与省自然科学基金省科技攻关、国家自然科学基金等项目十余项,在Journal of Hazardous Materials等国内外重要学术期刊发表论文十余参加国际会议若干



2012.09-2015.06  河南师范大学博士

2011.09-2012.08  河南师范大学化学与环境科学学院

2008.04-2010.03  日本东北大学硕士


1. 水污染控制



[1] 主持或参与低足迹易降解螯合剂绿色去除污泥重金属的机制及调控策略研究,河南省自然科学基金,主持

[2] 基于易降解螯合剂绿色萃取污泥重金属的筛选和应用河南省高等学校重点科研项目,主持

[3] 可降解螯合剂去除污泥中重金属应用技术开发河南省重点科技攻关项目主持

[4] 河南省环境与社会可持续发展的量化评价河南省软科学研究计划项目主持

[5] 超声波协同新型可降解螯合剂强化污泥脱水及重金属去除的研究新乡市科技攻关计划项目主持

[6] /超临界水中活性炭-沸石分子筛复合材料原位负载纳米零价铁对全氟化合物的催化降解机理研究国家自然科学基金

[7] 淮河上游多环芳烃的多介质污染特征与归趋国家自然科学基金,参与

[8] 臭氧-生物活性炭工艺深度处理垃圾渗滤液的研究,河南省省基础与前沿技术,参与

[9] 臭氧氧化改善难降解废水生化性的研究,河南省基础与前沿技术,参与

[10] 高级氧化协同膜曝气反应器去除废水中PPCPs的机制研究,河南省基础与前沿技术,参与


[1] Sun Nan, Wu Qing, Jin Lifang, Zhu Zichen, Sun Jianhui, Dong Shuying, Xie Haijiao, Zhang Chunyan, Cui Yanrui. Hyperbranched magnetic polymer: highly efficient removal of Cr(VI) and application in electroplating wastewater[J]. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2023, 17(10): 1568-1580

[2] Zongwu Wang, Jing Zhang, Qing Wu, Xuexue Han, Mengna Zhang, Wei Liu, Xinding Yao, Jinglan Feng, Shuying Dong, Jianhui Sun. Magnetic supramolecular polymer: Ultrahigh and highly selective Pb(II) capture from aqueous solution and battery wastewater[J]. Chemosphere, 2020, 248(6): 126042

[3] Zongwu Wang, Qing Wu, Jing Zhang, Huan Zhang, Jinglan Feng, Shuying Dong, Jianhui Sun. In situ polymerization of magnetic graphene oxide-diaminopyridine composite for the effective adsorption of Pb(II) and application in battery industry wastewater treatment[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26: 33427-33439

[4] Yanrui Cui, Qing Wu, Mengsi Yang, Fengling Cui. Three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy and fractions of dissolved organic matter change in landfill leachate by biological treatment[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23: 793-799

[5] Qing Wu, Yanrui Cui, Qilu Li, Jianhui Sun.Effective removal of heavy metals from industrial sludge with the aid of a biodegradable chelating ligand GLDA[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 283(2): 748-754

[6] Qing Wu, Gaoqi Duan, Yanrui Cui, Jianhui Sun. Removal of heavy metal species from industrial sludge with the aid of biodegradable iminodisuccinic acid as the chelating ligand[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(2): 1144-1150

[7] Yanrui Cui, Qing Wu, Songna Xiao, FenglingCui. Optimum Ozone Dosage of Preozonation and Characteristic Change of Refractory Organics in Landfill Leachate[J]. Ozone: Science & Engineering, 2014, 36: 427-434

[8] Shaoguang Geng, Qing Wu, Lei Shi, Fengling Cui. Spectroscopic study one thiosemicarbazone derivative with ctDNA using ethidium bromide as a fluorescence probe[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2013, 60: 288-294

[9]吴青,贾炎,崔延瑞,鲍林林,马凯丽,康威,张恒涛,邹旭艳. 生物活性炭对SBR生物脱氮过程中N2O产生的影响[J]. 中国给水排水,2021, 37(9): 33-39+45

[10]吴青,崔延瑞,汤晓晓,杨慧娟,孙剑辉. 生物可降解螯合剂谷氨酸N,N -二乙酸四钠对污泥中重金属萃取效率的研究[J].环境科学, 2015, 36(5): 1733-1738


[1] Qing Wu, Dinil Pushpalal. Evaluation of Sustainable Development Using Ecological Footprint and Other Indicators, The 6th Meeting of The Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, 2011, Japan

[2] Qing Wu, Dinil Pushpalal. Evaluation of Sustainable Human Development Using Ecological Footprint and Human Development Index: A Case Study of Chinese Provinces, Footprint Forum 2010, 2010, Italy

[3] Dinil Pushpalal, Qing Wu. Ecological Footprint and Human Development Index as a Measurement of Sustainable Development: Case Study of Three Selected Chinese Provinces, The Fourth International Scientific-Practical Conference, 2009, Ukraine

[4] Wu Qing. Study on Human Development Index and Environmental Load of China: Focusing on Henan, Hunan and Zhejiang Provinces, The 16th Meeting of Tohoku University Society for International Cultural Studies, 2009, Japan
