





曹治国,博士,博士生导师。主要从事大气颗粒物和新污染物健康风险相关研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金、面上项目、青年基金项目,中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助、中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目等国家和省部级项目10余项。担任河南省环境科学学会副理事长,河南省化学会常务理事,中国环境科学学会POPs专委会委员。荣获国家优青、欧盟玛丽居里学者、中国环境科学学会最美科技工作者、新乡市最美科技工作者、中原青年拔尖人才、河南省优秀青年科技专家、河南省青年科技奖、河南省高校科技创新人才、河南省教育厅学术技术带头人等一系列荣誉和奖励。发表期刊论文150余篇,累计被引用5000余次,其中以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文50余篇,h-index34。担任Global Environmental Science等多个刊物的副主编、编委。


2010. 09 – 2014. 06清华大学博士导师:余刚 教授

2007. 09 – 2010. 06北京师范大学硕士导师:刘静玲 教授

2003. 09 - 2007. 06武汉理工大学学士导师:刁红丽 教授






担任河南省环境科学学会副理事长,河南省化学会常务理事,中国环境科学学会POPs专委会委员等。担任Global Environmental Science等多个刊物的副主编、编委。Environ. Health Persp., Environ. Int., J. Hazard. Mater., Chemosphere, Environ. Pollut., Sci. Total Environ., 《环境科学》等多个国内外期刊的审稿人。



1) 曹治国. 室内污染物环境暴露学(2021, 42122057, 2022.1-2024.12). 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金, 200.

2) 曹治国. 中原青年拔尖人才(2020.12.1). 省部重大项目-中原青年拔尖人才, 50

3) 曹治国. 891689—FluoroCosm (2020, 2020.9-2022.8). 欧盟研究委员会, 185(224934 EUR).

4) 曹治国, 彭建彪, 闫广轩, 沈墨海. -霾对典型人群阻燃剂真皮暴露的影响规律、作用机制和干预措施研究(201941977308, 2020.1-2023.12). 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 61.

5) 曹治国. 霾污染对阻燃剂人体真皮暴露模式及健康风险的影响(2019, 20HASTIT011, 2020.1-2021.12). 河南省教育厅高校科技创新人才支持计划, 60.

6) 曹治国. 霾污染条件下典型人群对大气中新型阻燃剂的暴露机制(2018.1.1, 20180572, 2018.7.16-2020.12.31). 河南师范大学优秀青年基金, 15.

7) 曹治国. 灰霾强度对室内空气中新型阻燃剂赋存分配及人体暴露模式的影响(2016, 21607038, 2017.01-2019.12). 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 20.

8) 曹治国. 不同霾污染强度下儿童对溴、磷代阻燃剂的环境暴露模式(2016, 2016T90668, 2016.6-2018.6). 国家博士后基金特别资助项目, 15.

9) 曹治国. 典型高风险人群对灰尘中溴代和磷代阻燃剂的暴露模式(2015, 2015M570629, 2015.6-2017.6). 国家博士后基金面上项目一等资助, 8.

10) 曹治国, 冯精兰, 闫广轩. 交通工具内PBDEs的污染特征、来源辨析及控制策略(2014.09, 15A610005, 2015.1.1-2017.5.5). 河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划, 3.

11) 曹治国, 冯精兰, 闫广轩. 典型交通环境中多溴二苯醚的污染及人体暴露特征(2014.12.1, H201611, 2014.12.1-2016.12.1). 清华大学环境学院重点学术机构开放基金, 3.


1) 2015年郑州市普通科技攻关计划项目,应对PM2.5污染的郑州市园林绿化树种筛选及优化配置模式研究(20150271),2015/01-2016/1210万,第二完成人,结题.

2) 国际合作项目,295138European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2002013/1-2014/1070万,结题.

3) 国家自然科学基金重点基金项目,50838002,生活垃圾焚烧过程中UP-POPs的生成机制与控制技术原理,2009/1-2012/12200万元,结题.

4) 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项,2008ZX07209-009-01,白洋淀流域水生态系统健康诊断及应用示范,2008/9-2010/12200万,结题.

5) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),2006CB403403,海河流域水环境演化机理与水污染防治基础,2006/9-2011/9400万,已结题.

6) 国家自然科学基金项目,多氯萘的光化学降解研究,2011.1-2014.12,结题.

7) 国家自然科学基金项目,基于逸度模型和物种敏感性分布的PPCPs概率生态风险评价模式研究,2012.1-2015.12,结题.


1) Cao X., Ding L., Peng J., Wang W., Zhang Y., Chang Y., Wang T.Wissem B., Cao Z.* (曹治国), Liu H. Efficient photocatalytic decomposition of PFOA over BiOI1-x 1-x with low power LED light [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 951: 175492.

2) Wang W.*, Guo X., Liu Z., Dong S., Liu H., Wu Y.*, Cao Z.* (曹治国). Micro-nano H2 bubbles enhanced hydrodehalogenation of 3-chloro-4-fluoroaniline: Mass transfer and action mechanism [J]. Chemosphere, 2024, 363: 142816.

3) Wang X.*, Luo X., Li R., Chang Y., Peng J., Wang W., Liu H., Yan G., Wei P., Cao Z.* (曹治国). Boosting peroxymonosulfate activation over partial Zn-substituted Co3O4 for florfenicol degradation: Insights into catalytic performance, degradation mechanism and routes [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 491: 152197.

4) Yu H.*, Li M., Zheng X., Zhu M., Zheng Z., Xie T., Yan G., Hu P., Cao Z.* (曹治国), Feng J., Sun J. Potential source and health risks of black carbon based on MERRA-2 reanalysis data in a typical industrial city of North China Plain [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 354: 120367.

5) Shi S., Feng Q., Zhang J., Wang X., Zhao L., Fan Y., Hu P., Wei P., Bu Q., Cao Z.* (曹治国). Global patterns of human exposure to flame retardants indoors [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 912: 169393.

6) Wang M., Wang Y., Lv Y., Tang J., Wei P., Lu P., Zhao L., Li G., Cao Z.* (曹治国), An T.*. Quantitative characterization of resident' exposure to typical semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) around a non-ferrous metal smelting plant [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 465: 133353.

7) Zhao Y., Fan Y., Li J., Liu Y., Lv Y., Zhao L., Hou G., An Z., Cai W., Li X., Wu W.*, Cao Z.* (曹治国). Assessment of Human Exposure to Traditional and Novel Organophosphate Esters via Multiple Personal Matrices [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 58(7): 3332–3341.

8) Hou G., Wang Q., Li N., Zhao Y., Wang Z., Shi S., Liu D., Zhang Y., Hu P., Zhao L.*, Cao Z.* (曹治国). Face mask as an indicator and shield of human exposure to traditional and novel organophosphate esters [J]. Environment International, 2024, 183: 108389.

9) Wang Z., Geng S., Zhang J., Yang H., Shi S., Zhao L., Luo X.*, Cao Z.* (曹治国). Methods for the characterisation of dermal uptake: Progress and perspectives for organophosphate esters [J]. Environment International, 2024, 183: 108400.

10) Wang W.*, Lv Y., Liu H., Cao Z.* (曹治国). Recent advances in application of polypyrrole nanomaterial in water pollution control [J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 330(part A): 125265.

11) Wang X.*, Li R., Luo X., Mu J., Peng J., Yan G., Wei P., Tian Z., Huang Z., Cao Z.* (曹治国). Enhanced CO oxidation performance over hierarchical flower-like Co3O4 based nanosheets via optimizing oxygen activation and CO chemisorption [J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2024, 654(part A): 454-465.

12) Peng J.*, Chang Y., Xu L., Zhang Y., Wang T., Wang X., Liu H., Yan G., Gao S., Liu D., Cao Z.* (曹治国). Insights into the enhanced removal of sulfamethoxazole via peroxymonosulfate activation catalyzed by bimetallic (Co/Cu) doped graphitic carbon nitride: Reaction kinetics, mechanisms, and pathways [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 476: 146692.

13) Li N., Zhang J., Yu H., Xu M., Feng Q., Zhang J., Wang X., Wei P., Fan Y., Yan G., Zou W., Cao Z.* (曹治国), Li L.*. A systematic characterization of soil/dust ingestion for typical subpopulations in China [J]. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2023, 45 (8): 6199-6214.

14) Li H., Zhang S., Yao C., He R., Lu P., Li G., Liu R., Ma S., Zhang X., Cao Z. (曹治国), An T.*. Nontarget Screening of Novel Urinary Biomarkers for Occupational Exposure to Toxic Chemicals from Coking Industry Using HPLC-QTOF-MS. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57, 35, 13004-13014.

15) Jin P., Cao Z.* (曹治国), He B.*. Cu0@CuOx-NC modified Zn2In2S5 for photo-self-Fenton system coupling H2O2 in-situ production and decomposition [J]. Chemosphere, 2023, 332: 138820.

16) , Yu H., Wei P., Cao Z.* (曹治国), An T.*. Distribution, sources and health risks of heavy metals in indoor dust across China [J]. Chemosphere, 2022. 313: 137595.

17) Zhang Y., Wu M., Xu M., Hu P., Xu X., Liu X., Cai W., Xia J., Wu D., Xu X., Yu G.*, Cao Z.* (曹治国). Distribution of flame retardants among indoor dust, airborne particles and vapour phase from Beijing: spatial-temporal variation and human exposure characteristics. Environment International, 2022, 170: 107557.

18) Sun X., Chen Z., Kong T., Chen Z., Dong Y., Kolton M., Cao Z. (曹治国), Zhang X., Zhang H., Liu G., Gao P., Yang N., Lan L., Xu Y., Sun W.*. Mycobacteriaceae Mineralizes Micropolyethylene in Riverine Ecosystems [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56(22): 15705–15717.

19) Zhang X., Xia M., Zhao J., Cao Z. (曹治国), Zou W.*, Zhou Q. Photoaging enhanced the adverse effects of polyamide microplastics on the growth, intestinal health, and lipid absorption in developing zebrafish [J]. Environment International, 2022, 158: 106922.

20) Hu P., Ma W., Zhang Z., Liu L., Song W., Cao Z. (曹治国), Macdonald R., Nikolaev A., Li L., Li Y.*. Approach to Predicting the Size-Dependent Inhalation Intake of Particulate Novel Brominated Flame Retardants [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(22): 15236-15245.

21) Liu W., Zhang J., Liu H., Guo X., Zhang X., Yao X., Cao Z. (曹治国), Zhang T.*. A review of the removal of microplastics in global wastewater treatment plants: Characteristics and mechanisms [J]. Environment International, 2021, 146: 106277.

22) Zou W., Xia M., Jiang K.a, Cao Z. (曹治国), Zhang X. *, Hu X. Photo-Oxidative Degradation Mitigated the Developmental Toxicity of Polyamide Microplastics to Zebrafish Larvae by Modulating Macrophage-Triggered Proinflammatory Responses and Apoptosis [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(21): 13888-13898.

23) Cao Z.* (曹治国), Zhao L., Zhang Y., Ren M., Zhang Y., Liu X., Jie J., Wang Z., Li C., Shen M., Bu Q.*. Influence of Air Pollution on Inhalation and Dermal Exposure of Human to Organophosphate Flame Retardants: A Case Study During a Prolonged Haze Episode. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(7): 3880-3887.

24) Cao Z.* (曹治国), Chen Q., Zhu C., Chen X., Wang N., Zou W., Zhang X., Zhu G., Li J., Mai B., Luo X.*. Halogenated Organic Pollutant Residuals in Human Bared and Clothing-Covered Skin Areas: Source Differentiation and Comprehensive Health Risk Assessment. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(24): 14700-14708.

25) Chen Y., Cao Z.* (曹治国), Covaci A., Li C., Cui X. Novel and legacy flame retardants in paired human fingernails and indoor dust samples. Environment International, 2019, 133(Pt B): 105227.

26) Bu Q., Wu D., Xi J., Wu M.*, Liu X., Cao Z.* (曹治国), Yu G. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and novel brominated flame retardants in indoor dust of different microenvironments in Beijing, China. Environment International, 2019, 122: 159-167.

27) Liu X., Cao Z. (曹治国), Yu G.*, Wu M., Li X., Zhang Y., Wang B., Huang J. Estimation of Exposure to Organic Flame Retardants via Hand Wipe, Surface Wipe, and Dust: Comparability of Different Assessment Strategies [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(17): 9946-9953.

28) Liu X., Yu G.*, Cao Z. (曹治国), Wang B., Huang J., Deng S., Wang Y. Occurrence of organophosphorus flame retardants on skin wipes: Insight into human exposure from dermal absorption [J]. Environment International, 2017, 98: 113-119.

29) Cao Z. (曹治国), Xu F., Li W., Sun J., Shen M., Su X., Feng J., Yu G.*, Covaci A.*. Seasonal and Particle Size-Dependent Variations of Hexabromocyclododecanes in Settled Dust: Implications for Sampling [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(18): 11151-11157.

30) Cao Z. (曹治国), Xu F., Covaci A., Wu M., Wang H., Yu G.*, Wang B., Deng S., Huang J., Wang X. Distribution patterns of brominated, chlorinated, and phosphorus flame retardants with particle size in indoor and outdoor dust and implications for human exposure [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48(15): 8839-8846.

31) Cao Z. (曹治国), Xu F., Covaci A., Wu M., Yu G.*, Wang B., Deng S., Huang J. Differences in the seasonal variation of brominated and phosphorus flame retardants in office dust [J]. Environment International, 2014, 65: 100-106.

32) Cao Z. (曹治国), Yu G., Huang J., Wang B.*, Chen Y., Cao Q., Fiedler H., Deng S. Particle size: a missing factor in risk assessment of human exposure to toxic chemicals in settled indoor dust [J]. Environment International, 2012, 49: 24-30.

33) Shen M., Song W., Shi X., Wang S., Wang H., Liu J., Jin W., Fan S. *, Cao Z.* (曹治国). New insights into physicochemical properties of different particulate size-fractions and dissolved organic matter derived from biochars and their sorption capacity for phenanthrene [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 434: 128867. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.128867.

34) Jin P., Cao Z.* (曹治国), He B.*. Cu0@CuOx-NC modified Zn2In2S5 for photo-self-Fenton system coupling H2O2 in-situ production and decomposition [J]. Chemosphere, 2023, 332: 138820.

35) Wang M., Lv Y., Lv X., Wang Q., Li Y., Lu P., Yu H., Wei P., Cao Z.* (曹治国), An T.*. Distribution, sources and health risks of heavy metals in indoor dust across China [J]. Chemosphere, 2022. 313: 137595.

36) Meng Y., Zhang J., Fiedler H., Liu W., Pan T., Cao Z.* (曹治国), Zhang T.*. Influence of land use type and urbanization level on the distribution of pharmaceuticals and personal care products and risk assessment in Beiyun River, China [J]. Chemosphere, 2021, 287(Pt 1): 132075.

37) Fan Y., Chen Q., Wang Z., Zhang X., Zhao J., Huang X., Wei P., Hu P., Cao Z.* (曹治国). Identifying dermal exposure as the dominant pathway of children's exposure to flame retardants in kindergartens [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 808: 152004.

38) Cao Z.* (曹治国), Xu X., Zhao Y., Du R., Fan Y., Wei P., Ma K., Zhu Y., Huang X., Hu F., Hu P., Liu X.*. Gas-particle partition and size-segregated distribution of flame retardants in indoor and outdoor air: Reevaluation on the role of fine particles in human exposure [J]. Chemosphere, 2022, 292: 133414.

39) Cao Z.* (曹治国), Wu X., Wang T., Zhao Y., Zhao Y., Wang D., Chang Y., Wei Y., Yan G., Fan Y., Yue C., Duan J., Xi B.*. Characteristics of airborne particles retained on conifer needles across China in winter and preliminary evaluation of the capacity of trees in haze mitigation [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 806(Pt 2): 150704.

40) Shen M., Ren M., Wang Y., Shen F., Du R., Quan L., Wei Y., Zhang T.*, Li J., Yan G., Peng J., Cao Z.* (曹治国). Identifying dust as the dominant source of exposure to heavy metals for residents around battery factories in the Battery Industrial Capital of China [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 765: 144375.

41) Peng J.*, Wang Z., Wang S., Liu J., Zhang Y., Wang B., Gong Z., Wang M., Dong H., Shi J., Liu H., Yan G., Liu G., Gao S., Cao Z.* (曹治国). Enhanced removal of methylparaben mediated by cobalt/carbon nanotubes (Co/CNTs) activated peroxymonosulfate in chloride-containing water: Reaction kinetics, mechanisms and pathways [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 409: 128176.

42) Yue C., Cui K., Duan J., Wu X., Yan P., Rodriguez C., Fu H., Deng T., Zhang S., Liu J., Guo Z., Xi B.*, Cao Z.* (曹治国). The retention characteristics for water-soluble and water-insoluble particulate matter of five tree species along an air pollution gradient in Beijing, China [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 767: 145497.

43) Li J., Ou Y., Zhang Y., Guo S., Li S., Guo C.*, Dang Z., Cao Z. (曹治国), Feng J., Sun J. Viability and distribution of bacteria immobilized on Sawdust@silica: The removal mechanism of phenanthrene in soil [J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 198: 110649.

44) Cao Z. (曹治国), Wang M., Shi S., Zhao Y., Chen X., Li C., Li Y., Wang H., Bao L., Cui X.*. Size-distribution-based assessment of human inhalation and dermal exposure to airborne parent, oxygenated and chlorinated PAHs during a regional heavy haze episode [J]. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 263(Pt A): 114661.

45) Shen M.*, Hai X., Shang Y., Zheng C., Li P., Li Y., Jin W., Li D., Li Y., Zhao J., Lei H., Xiao H., Li Y., Yan G., Cao Z. (曹治国), Bu Qingwei. Insights into aggregation and transport of graphene oxide in aqueous and saturated porous media: Complex effects of cations with different molecular weight fractionated natural organic matter [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 656: 843-851.

46) Cao Z.* (曹治国), Wang M., Chen Q., Zhu C., Jie J., Li X., Dong X., Miao Z., Shen M., Bu Q.*. Spatial, seasonal and particle size dependent variations of PAH contamination in indoor dust and the corresponding human health risk [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 653: 423-430.

47) Cao Z.* (曹治国), Chen Q., Ren M., Zhang L., Shen F., Wang X., Shi S., Zhao Y., Yan G., Peng J. Higher health risk resulted from dermal exposure to PCBs than HFRs and the influence of haze [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 689: 223-231.

48) Cao Z.* (曹治国), Chen Q., Li X., Zhang Y., Ren M., Sun L., Wang M., Liu X.*, Yu G.*. The non-negligible environmental risk of recycling halogenated flame retardants associated with plastic regeneration in China [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 646: 1090-1096.

49) Huang Q., Bu Q., Zhong W., Shi K., Cao Z.* (曹治国), Yu G. Derivation of aquatic predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) for ibuprofen and sulfamethoxazole based on various toxicity endpoints and the associated risks [J]. Chemosphere, 2018, 193: 223-229.

50) Cao Z. (曹治国), Zhao L., Meng X., Liu X., Wu P., Fan X., Wang S., Jie J., Miao Z., Xu X., Shen M.*, Bu Q.*. Amplification effect of haze on human exposure to halogenated flame retardants in atmospheric particulate matter and the corresponding mechanism [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 359: 491-499.

51) Cao Z. (曹治国), Wang M., Chen Q., Zhang Y., Dong W., Yang T., Yan G., Zhang X., Pi Y., Xi B.*, Bu Q. i*. Preliminary assessment on exposure of four typical populations to potentially toxic metals by means of skin wipes under the influence of haze pollution [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 613-614: 886-893.

52) Cao Z. (曹治国), Chen Q., Wang X., Zhang Y., Wang S., Wang M., Zhao L., Yan G., Zhang X., Zhang Z., Yang T., Shen M., Sun J.*. Contamination characteristics of trace metals in dust from different levels of roads of a heavily air-polluted city in north China [J]. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2018, 40(6): 2441-2452.

53) Cao Z. (曹治国), Zhao L., Shi Y., Feng J., Wang S., Zhang Y., Yan G., Zhang Xin, Wang X., Shen M.*, Wang Y.*. PAH contamination in road dust from a moderate city in North China: The significant role of traffic emission [J]. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2017, 23(5): 1072-1085.

54) Cao Z. (曹治国), Zhao L., Kuang J., Chen Q., Zhu G., Zhang K., Wang S., Wu P., Zhang X., Wang X., Harrad S.*, Sun J.*. Vehicles as outdoor BFR sources: Evidence from an investigation of BFR occurrence in road dust [J]. Chemosphere, 2017, 179: 29-36.

55) Cao Z. (曹治国), Zhang X., Zhao L., Wang S., Zhu G., Wu P., Chen Q., Sun L., Yan G., Shen M., Zhang S. Propositional modification for the USEPA models for human exposure assessment on chemicals in settled dust or soil [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(24): 20113-20116.

56) Cao Z.* (曹治国), Shen M.*, Chen Q., Liu J., Yan G., Wang M., Zhao X. Multimedia and Spatial Distribution, Internal Accumulation and Source Diagnostics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) of the Luan River Basin, China [J]. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 2016, 38(1): 1-12.


(1) 曹治国,张亚洁,孟雪洁,赵磊成,张敏,王书亭,王萌萌,陈巧莹,张鑫,沈墨海,张亚彩. 一种可以用于采集空气中颗粒物的口罩,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201810428673.5,授权时间:2024.01.30.

(2) 曹治国,赵磊成,张亚洁,张亚彩,李逍逍,任美慧,苗正,王萌萌,陈巧莹,沈墨海. 一种用于手掌灰尘样品采集以用于真皮暴露评估的手套,发明专利,专利号:ZL201810857539.7,授权时间:2023.07.25.

(3) 曹治国,王萌萌,苗正,董夏妍,节建业,王志宇,沈方方,张玲,李逍逍,李常贺. 通过标准曲线评估附着在人体手部灰尘质量的方法,发明专利,专利号: ZL201910707951.5,授权时间:2022.3.25.
