





刘永丽,博士,副教授,主要从事荧光探针的设计构筑及痕量环境污染物的高效分析,目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划1项,参与国家自然科学基金2项、河南省重大科技攻关项目1项,在Chemical Engineering JournalScience of the Total EnvironmentChemosphere等国内外学术期刊发表论文20余篇。


2024.01-至今       河南师范大学环境学院 副教授

2018.07-2023.12    河南师范大学环境学院 讲师

2014.09-2018.06    中国石油大学(北京)理学院 博士




ChemosphereEnvironmental Research期刊审稿人


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于碳点的磁性表面分子印迹荧光探针构筑及对水环境中全氟辛酸的检测应用(22106039)2022.01-2024.1230万,在研,主持。

[2] 河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划:基于碳点的功能化荧光探针制备及其在汞离子痕量分析检测中的应用研究(20A610007)2020.01-2021.123万,已结题,主持。

[3] 国家自然科学基金:磁性树枝状聚合物功能材料在环境污染物监控中的应用及吸附机制研究(21677177)2017.01-2020.1280万,已结题,参与。

[4] 国家自然科学基金:磁性微、纳米零价铁核壳材料的合成及其在新POPs及典型环境污染物监控中的应用研究(21377167)2014.01-2017.1280万,已结题,参与。

[5] 河南省重大科技攻关项目:薯类酒精液化糖化关键技术研究(132102310042)2013.01-2015.1250万,已结题,参与。


[1] Yongli Liu, Penghui Zhou, Yalin Wu, Xiaoyan Su, Huanjia Liu, Guifen Zhu, Qingxiang Zhou*. Fast and efficient “on-off-on” fluorescent sensor from N-doped carbon dots for detection of mercury and iodine ions in environmental water, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 827: 154357.

[2] Yongli Liu, Wanwan Li, Yanbu Gao, Jin Wang, Guohao Cheng, Jingfan Chen, Xian Li, Guifen Zhu*. Highly efficient and rapid removal of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from environmental samples based on an eco-friendly ZIF-67-molecularly imprinted composite, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 4434: 136396.

[3] Yongli Liu*, Xiaoyan Su, Huanjia Liu,Guifen Zhu,Guobei Ge, Yuxin Wang, Penghui Zhou, Qingxiang Zhou*. Construction of eco-friendly dual carbon dots ratiometric fluorescence probe for highly selective and efficient sensing mercury ion, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2025, 148: 1-12.

[4] Ya Jiao, Xian Li, Guohao Cheng, Jingfan Chen, Li Wang, Yongli Liu*, Guifen Zhu*. A newly NH2-UiO-66 composite functionalized by molecularly imprinted polymer for selective and rapid removal of sulfamethoxazole, Environmental Research, 2024, 262: 119843.

[5] Yongli Liu, Yue Zhang, Jingwen Niu, Linchun Nie, Shiyu Huang, Huanhuan Liu, Shuai Yuan, Qingxiang Zhou*. Selective fluorescent probe for sensitive determination of bisphenol A based on molecularly imprinted polymers decorated carbon dots derived from citric acid and ethylenediamine, Chemosphere, 2023, 324: 138303.

[6] Yongli Liu, Letian Chen, Xiaoyan Su, Li Wang, Ya Jiao, Penghui Zhou, Bin Li, Ruijuan Duan, Guifen Zhu*. Constructing an eco friendly and ratiometric fluorescent sensor for highly efficient detection of mercury ion in environmental samples, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2024, 31: 4318-4329.

[7] Yongli Liu, Wanwan Li, Lin Liu, Runan Chen, Li Wang, Bin Li, Ruijuan Duan, Guifen Zhu*. Highly effective and fast removal of bisphenol A from environmental samples using an eco-friendly surface molecularly imprinted polymer based on MIL-100(Fe), 2024, 48: 13058.

[8] Yongli Liu*, Guobei Ge, Huanjia Liu, Yuxin Wang, Penghui Zhou, Bin Li, Guifen Zhu*. Fast and eco-friendly synthesis of carbon dots from pinecone for highly effective detection of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol in environmental samples, Environmental Technology, 2024: 1-12

[9] Yongli Liu, Qingxiang Zhou*, Yongyong Yuan, Yalin Wu. Hydrothermal synthesis of fluorescent carbon dots from sodium citrate and polyacrylamide and their highly selective detection of lead and pyrophosphate, Carbon, 2017, 115: 550-560.

[10] Yongli Liu, Qingxiang Zhou*, Jing Li, Man Lei, Xiuyi Yan. Selective and sensitive chemosensor for lead ions using fluorescent carbon dots prepared from chocolate by one-step hydrothermal method, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016, 237: 597-604.

[11] Yongli Liu, Qingxiang Zhou*, Yalin Wu, Shuangying Li, Yi Sun, Xueying Sheng, Yali Zhan, Jingyi Zhao, Jinghan Guo, Boyao Zhou. Sensitive detection of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene utilizing fluorescent sensor from carbon dots and reusable magnetic core-shell nanomaterial, Talanta, 2021, 233: 122498.

[12] Yongli Liu*, Xiaoyan Su, Letian Chen, Huanjia Liu, Chunyuan Zhang, Jiali Liu, Jiayi Hao, Yu Shangguan, Guifen Zhu*. Green preparation of carbon dots from Momordica charantia L. for rapid and effective sensing of p-aminoazobenzene in environmental samples, Environmental Research, 2021, 198: 111279.

[13] Qingxiang Zhou, Yongli Liu, Yalin Wu, Zhi Li, Yanhui Li, Menghua Liu, Tongxu Qu, Chunmao Chen*, Measurement of mercury with highly selective fluorescent chemoprobe by carbon dots and silver nanoparticles, Chemosphere, 2021, 274: 129959.

[14] Letian Chen, Yongli Liu*, Guohao Cheng, Zegang Fan, Jinyu Yuan, Shuailong He, Guifen Zhu*. A novel fluorescent probe based on N, B, F co-doped carbon dots for highly selective and sensitive determination of sulfathiazole, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 759: 1434323.

[15] Jing Li, Qingxiang Zhou*, Miao Li*, Yongli Liu, Qinan Song. Monodisperse amino-modified nanosized zero-valent iron for selective and recyclable removal of TNT: Synthesis, characterization, and removal mechanism, 2021, 103: 69-79.

[16] XinWang1, Yongli Liu1, Qingxiang Zhou*, Xueying Sheng, Yi Sun, Boyao Zhou, Jingyi Zhao, Jinghan Guo. A reliable and facile fluorescent sensor from carbon dots for sensing2,4,6-trinitrophenol based on inner filter effect, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 720: 137680-137688.

[17] Hongyuan Wang, Chunmao Chen, Yongli Liu; Yalin Wu, Yongyong Yuan, Qingxiang Zhou*. A highly sensitive and selective chemosensor for 2,4,6-trinitrophenol based on L-cysteine-coated cadmium sulfde quantum dots, Talanta, 2019, 198: 242-248.

[18] Yongli Liu, Qingxiang Zhou*. Sensitive pH probe developed with water-soluble fluorescent carbon dots from chocolate by one-step hydrothermal method, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 97: 1119-1131.
