







2022.02-今            河南师范大学环境学院 副教授

2014.10-2022.01   河南师范大学环境学院 讲师

2009.09-2014.09   哈尔滨工业大学市政工程 博士

2007.09-2009.06   哈尔滨工业大学市政工程 硕士

2003.09-2007.06   东北石油大学资源环境与城乡规划 学士








  1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金-基于强化污泥堆肥系统生物同化固氮作用的碳、氮代谢互作机制研究(515081672016.1-2018.12, 主持

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目-基于胞外蛋白追踪的生物沥浸耦合类Fenton污泥脱水技术分子作用机制研究(52170132)  2022.1-2025.12, 主持

  3. 河南省高等学校重点科研项目-剩余污泥堆肥系统外碳源输入的保氮机制研究(16A5600222016.1-2017.12, 主持

  4. 河南省高等学校重点科研项目-生物沥浸耦合类Fonton改善污泥脱水性能机制研究(22B5600042022.1-2023.12, 主持

  5. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目-基于氮肥增效剂的堆肥及其农田利用的NH3N2O控制研究(418051232019.01-2021.12, 参与


[1] Li Yunbei*, Chen Y, Fu C, Han S, Zhang Y, Li H, et al. Enhancement of sludge dewaterability using combined technology of bioleaching and Fenton: Microscopic structure and hydrophilic/hydrophobic properties of sludge particles. Journal of Environmental Management. 2024;367:122089.

[2] Li Yunbei*, Chen Y, Kang L, Cao Z, Lv J, Wang S, et al. Metagenomic analysis reveals enhanced sludge dewaterability through acidified sludge inoculation: Regulation of Fe (II) oxidation electron transport pathway. Bioresource Technology. 2024;412:131367.

[3] Li Yunbei*, Li H, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Wang S, Lv J. Preparation of magnetic biochar used bioleached sludge to enhance tetracycline removal in a heterogeneous Fenton-like system. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2024;189:302-12.

[4] Li Yunbei*, Quan L, Li J, Zhang Z, Lv J, Fu C, et al. The role of microstructure of extracellular proteins in dewaterability of alkaline pretreatment sludge during bioleaching. Environmental Research. 2024;244:117969.

[5]Li Yunbei*, Fu C, Cao X, Wang X, Wang N, Zheng M, et al. Enhancement of sludge dewaterability by repeated inoculation of acidified sludge: Extracellular polymeric substances molecular structure and microbial community succession. Chemosphere. 2023;339:139714.

[6]Li Yunbei*, Chen Z, Li H, Yao Q, Wei Y, Wang X, et al. Improving dewaterability of sewage sludge by inoculating acidified sludge and Fe2+: Performance and mechanisms. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2022;158:210-20.

[7] Li Yunbei*, Song, J., Yao, Q., Chen, Z., Wei, Y., Li, H., xiao Wang, M.,  Wang, B.,Zhou, J. 2021. Effects of dissolved oxygen on the sludge dewaterability and extracellular polymeric substances distribution by bioleaching. Chemosphere, 281, 130906.

[8] Li Yunbei*, Jin, P.-f., Liu, T.-t., Lv, J.-h., Jiang, J.-s. 2019. A novel method for sewage sludge composting using bamboo charcoal as a separating material. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(33), 33870-33881.

[9] Li Yunbei*, Song, J., Liu, T., Lv, J., Jiang, J. 2021. Influence of reusable polypropylene packing on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions during sewage sludge composting—a lab-scale investigation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(30), 40653-40664.

[10] Li Yunbei*, Liu, T.t., Song, J.l., Lv, J.h., Jiang, J.s. 2020. Effects of chemical additives on emissions of ammonia and greenhouse gas during sewage sludge composting. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 143, 129-137.

[11]Li Yunbei, Li W, Liu B, Wang K, Su C, Wu C. Ammonia emissions and biodegradation of organic carbon during sewage sludge composting with different extra carbon sources. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2013;85:624-30.

[12]Li Yunbei, Li W, Wu C, Wang K. New insights into the interactions between carbon dioxide and ammonia emissions during sewage sludge composting. Bioresource Technology. 2013;136:385-93.

[13]Yuan G-E, Ma Y-G, Qin Y, Wang Y, Li Yunbei, Zhang X, et al. Bisulfite boosts the reduction activity of zero-valent iron towards p-nitrophenol under anoxic conditions. Separation and Purification Technology. 2024;332:126060.

[14]Lv J, Gong L, Chen X, Liu B, Li Yunbei, Jiang J, et al. Enhancements of short-chain fatty acids production via anaerobic fermentation of waste activated sludge by the combined use of persulfate and micron-sized magnetite. Bioresource Technology. 2021;342:126051.

[15]Chen Z, Lei J, Li Yunbei, Su X, Hu Z, Guo D. Studies on thermokinetic of Chlorella pyrenoidosa devolatilization via different models. Bioresource Technology. 2017;244:320-7.

[16]Yuan G-E, Li Yunbei, Lv J, Zhang G, Yang F. Integration of microbial fuel cell and catalytic oxidation reactor with iron phthalocyanine catalyst for Congo red degradation. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2017;120:118-24.

[17]Wu C, Li W, Wang K, Li Y. Usage of pumice as bulking agent in sewage sludge composting. Bioresource Technology. 2015;190:516-21.

[18] Wang K, Li W, Li Yunbei, Gong X, Wu C, Ren N. The modelling of combined strategies to achieve thermophilic composting of sludge in cold region. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2013;85:608-16.

[19]Wang K, Li W, Gong X, Li Yunbei, Wu C, Ren N. Spectral study of dissolved organic matter in biosolid during the composting process using inorganic bulking agent: UV–vis, GPC, FTIR and EEM. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2013;85:617-23.

[20] Chen Z, Li Yunbei, Wen Q, Zhang H. Biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate by Gamma proteobacterium WD-3 from volatile fatty acids. Chemosphere. 2011;82(8):1209-13.

[21]Wang K, Li W, Guo J, Zou J, Li Yunbei, Zhang L. Spatial distribution of dynamics characteristic in the intermittent aeration static composting of sewage sludge. Bioresource Technology. 2011;102(9):5528-32.


  1. 一种具有除臭功能的微生态制剂及制备方法和应用(国家发明专利)ZL201810179303.2

  2. 一种多层好氧发酵体系及其发酵方法(国家发明专利)ZL201611113188.6

  3. 一种可堆肥垃圾分类箱(国家实用新型)ZL201821650142.2


[1] 2022年度河南省教学技能竞赛一等奖

[2] 第五届河南省本科高校教师教学创新大赛新工科组二等奖

[3] 第七届深水杯全国大学生给排水科技创新大赛团体二等奖指导教师
