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20236月博士毕业于中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境工程专业。20238月进入河南师范大学环境学院工作。近年来,在Water ResearchChemical Engineering Journal等学术期刊上发表SCI论文。




[1] Qingyun Song, Bingqian Yang, Mengjie Liu, Shian Song, Nigel Graham, Wenzheng Yu*. Floc aging: crystallization and improving low molecular weight organic removal in re-coagulation, Water Research, 2023, 243, 120328.

[2] Muhammad Saboor Siddique, Qingyun Song, Xuejun Xiong, Hasan Fareed, Nigel Graham, Wenzheng Yu*. Hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile UF-membrane for surface and TAP water treatment: Influence on DBPs formation and removal, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 471, 144314.

[3] Qingyun Song, Nigel Graham, Youneng Tang, Muhammad Saboor Siddique, Katsuki Kimura, Wenzheng Yu*. Medium molecular weight organic matter played a positive role in nanofiltration by reducing disinfection by-products, Water Research, 2022, 215, 118263.

[4] Qingyun Song, Yiping Feng*, Zhu Wang, Guoguang Liu*, Wenying Lv. Degradation of triphenyl phosphate (TPhP) by CoFe2O4-activated peroxymonosulfate oxidation process: Kinetics, pathways, and mechanisms, Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 681, 331-338.

[5] Qingyun Song, Yiping Feng*, Guoguang Liu*, Wenying Lv. Degradation of the flame retardant triphenyl phosphate by ferrous ion-activated hydrogen peroxide and persulfate: Kinetics, pathways, and mechanisms, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 361, 929-936.

[6] Yiping Feng*, Qingyun Song, Wenying Lv, Guoguang Liu. Degradation of ketoprofen by sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation processes: Kinetics, mechanisms, and effects of natural water matrices, Chemosphere, 2017, 189, 643-651.
