马天水 博士
发布时间: 2022-02-25   浏览次数: 16663



马天水 (MA Tianshui)  


 Email: matianshui@htu.edu.cn


马天水,汉族,1977年生,河南唐河人,中共党员,博士(),现为河南师范大学数学学院教授,硕士生导师。2001年在河南师范大学数学教育专业获学士学位, 20012004年在南阳师范学院从事教学工作,2007年在河南师范大学基础数学专业获硕士学位 (导师:赵文正教授), 2010年在东南大学应用数学专业获博士学位 (导师:王栓宏教授), 随后在河南师范大学数学学院工作至今, 其间2016-2019在东北师范大学做博士后(导师:陈良云)2016-2017得到欧盟FUSION项目资助在瑞典Malardalen大学做博士后访问(导师:S. Silvestrov)





Hopf 代数及其应用


  1. 河南省自然科学基金面上项目(No. 242300421389), 2024-2025, 主持

  2. 河南省自然科学基金面上项目(No. 212300410365), 2021-2022, 主持

  3. 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(No. 20A110019), 2020-2021, 主持

  4. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助(No. 2017M611291), 2017-2019, 主持

  5. 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(No. 17A110007), 2017-2018, 主持

  6. 欧盟FUSION项目(Erasmus Mundus Action 2), 2016-2017, 主持

  7. 河南省高等学校骨干教师资助计划(No. 2015GGJS-088), 2015-2018, 主持

  8. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No. 11101128), 2012-2014, 主持

  9. 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目(No. 12A110013), 2012-2014 , 主持

  10. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No. 11801150), 2019-2021, 参与

  11. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No. 11501179), 2016-2018,参与

  12. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 10871042), 2009-2011, 参与


  • 河南省高等学校骨干教师(2019)

  • 河南省优秀硕士毕业论文指导教师(2017年、2018年、2022)

  • 河南省首届自然科学学术奖-河南省自然科学优秀学术论文壹等奖(2011)


已毕业:刘琳琳(2013-2016)郑慧慧(2014-2017)杨海燕(2018-2021)李 洁(2019-2022),

         李 贝(2020-2023),龙琳琳(2021-2024)李梦琦(2021-2024)




  1. H. Y. Li and T. S. Ma, Hopf \pi-(co)braces. Prepared (2024).

  2. H. Y. Li and T. S. Ma, Bialgebraic structures on Nijenhuis perm algebras. Prepared (2024).

  3. H. Y. Li and T. S. Ma, Nijenhuis Lie bialgebras: sl_2 as an example. Submitted (2024).

  4. T. S. Ma and M. Q. Li, Bialgebraic structure on a Coder pair of any weight. Results Math.79(5) (2024), Paper No. 207. (SCI)

  5. T. S. Ma and A. Makhouf, Infinitesimal (BiHom-)bialgebras of any weight (I): Basic definitions and properties, arXiv:2309.01758  (2023).

  6. T. S. Ma and A. Makhlouf, Infinitesimal (BiHom-)bialgebras of any weight (II) : Representations, arXiv:2310.09975 (2023)

  7. T. S. Ma, F. Y. Song and H. H. Zheng, A note on Zhu's construction of Hopf brace from Radford biproducts. J. Algebra Appl., doi:10.1142/S0219498825502585, online (2024).  (SCI)

  8. H. Y. Li and T. S. Ma, Dendriform-Nijenhuis bialgebras revisited. Submitted (2023).

  9. H. Y. Li, T. S. Ma and S. H. Wang, When Leibniz algebras are Nijenhuis? arXiv:2310.14267 (2023).

  10. T. S. Ma, Y. X. Sun and X. Zhou, Hom-Leibniz bialgebras revisited. J. Algebra Appl., accepted (2024).  (SCI)

  11. T. S. Ma and S. H. Wang, Dual representations of AE algebras and applications. Submitted (2022).

  12. T. S. Ma and L. L. Long, Nijenhuis operators and associative D-bialgebras. J. Algebra 639 (2024), 150-186.    (SCI)

  13. T. S. Ma, B. Li, H. H. Zheng and X. F. Zhao, Antisymmetric infinitesimal bialgebras of any weight and related associative classical Yang-Baxter equations. Algebra Colloq., accepted (2023).  (SCI)

  14. C. M. Bai, L. Guo, G. L. Liu and T. S. Ma, Rota-Baxter Lie bialgebras, classical Yang-Baxter equations and special L-dendriform bialgebras. Algebr. Represent. Theory, 27(2) (2024), 1347-1372. (SCI)  arXiv:2207.08703 (2022).

  15. C. M. Bai, L. Guo and T. S. Ma, Bialgebras, Frobenius algebras and associative Yang-Baxter equations for Rota-Baxter algebras. Asian J. Math., accepted (2024). (SCI)  arXiv:2112.10928 (2021).

  16. H. H. Zheng and T. S. Ma, Bialgebras of Rota-Baxter (Hom-)Lie algebras of any weight. Publ. Math. Debrecen, accepted (2024).  (SCI)

  17. T. S. Ma, A. Makhlouf and S. Silvestrov, Curved O-operator systems. Comm. Algebra, online (2024)(SCI)  Doi:10.1080/00927872.2024.2367168.  arXiv:1710.05232 (2017).

  18. T. S. Ma, M. Q. Li, H. H. Zheng and X. F. Zhao, Some algebraic structures about Nijenhuis operators. Filomat 38(5)(2024), 1711-1727. (SCI)

  19. T. S. Ma, B. Li, J. Li and M. Chen, A new approach to antisymmetric infinitesimal bialgebras. Czechoslovak Math. J., 73(148) (2023), 755-764.  (SCI)

  20. T. S. Ma and B. Li, Transposed BiHom-Poisson algebras. Comm. Algebra 51(2)(2023), 528-551. (SCI)  arXiv:2201.00271 (2022). 

  21. T. S. Ma and J. Li, Matching Rota-Baxter BiHom-algebras and related algebraic structures. Rocky Mountain J. Math. 52(5)(2022), 1741-1765.  (SCI)

  22. T. S. Ma and B. Li, Two results on double crossed biproducts. Hacettepe J. Math. Stat.51(4)(2022), 1121-1140.  (SCI)

  23. T. S. Ma and J. Li, Nonhomogeneous associative Yang-Baxter equations. Bull. Math. Soc. SCI. Math. Roumanie (N.S.) 65(113)(1)(2022), 97-118.  (SCI)  arXiv:2111.00371 (2021). 

  24. T. S. Ma, J. Li, L. Y. Chen and S. H. Wang, Rota-Baxter operators on Turaev's Hopf group (co)algebras (I): Basic definitions and related algebraic structures. J. Geom. Phys.175(2022), 104469.  (SCI)  arXiv:2104.05529v2 (2021). 

  25. T. S. Ma, J. Li, H. Y. Yang and S. H. Wang, Double crossed biproducts and related structures.Comm. Algebra 50(10)(2022), 4517-4535.  (SCI)  arXiv:2205.06433 (2022).

  26. T. S. Ma, J. Li and T. Yang, Coquasitriangular infinitesimal BiHom-bialgebras and related structures. Comm. Algebra 49(6)(2021), 2423-2443. (SCI)

  27. T. S. Ma, H. H. Zheng, L. H. Dong and J. Z. Chen, Lazy 2-cocycles and Radford (m,n)-biproduct. J. Algebra Appl. 20(7)(2021), 2150120. (SCI)

  28. T. S. Ma, A. Makhlouf and S. Silvestrov, Rota-Baxter cosystems and coquasitriangular mixed bialgebras. J. Algebra Appl. 20(4)(2021), 2150064. (SCI)  (Improved version of arXiv:1710.05161 (2017)). 

  29. T. S. Ma, J. Li and H. Y. Yang, Rota-Baxter bialgebras arising from (co-)quasi-idempotent elements. Hacettepe J. Math. Stat.50(1)(2021), 216-223.  (SCI)

  30. T. S. Ma, H. Y. Yang and T. Yang, The tensor product of two oriented quantum algebras. J. Algebra Appl. 19(6)(2020), 2050104. (SCI)  arXiv:2111.00370 (2021).

  31. T. S. Ma and H. Y. Yang, Drinfeld double for infinitesimal BiHom-bialgebras. Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras 30(3)(2020): 42.  (SCI)

  32. T. S. Ma, S. Silvestrov and H. H. Zheng, On Hom-Yetter-Drinfeld category. In: Silvestrov S., Malyarenko A., Rancic M. (eds) Algebraic structures and Applications. SPAS 2017. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 317, pp339-358. Springer, Cham, 2020.  (EI)

  33. T. S. Ma, L. L. Liu and L. Y. Chen, Radford (m,n)-biproduct and (m+n)-Yetter-Drinfeld category. Comm. Algebra 48(8)(2020), 3285-3306.  (SCI)

  34. T. S. Ma, H. Y. Yang, L. Y. Zhang and H. H. Zheng, Quasitriangular covariant monoidal BiHom-bialgebras, associative monoidal BiHom-Yang-Baxter equations and Rota-Baxter paired monoidal BiHom-modules. Colloq. Math. 161 (2020) , 189-221.  (SCI)

  35. T. S. Ma, H. Y. Yang, L. L. Liu and Q. G. Chen, On unified Hom-Yetter- Drinfeld categories. J. Geom. Phys.144(2019), 81-107.  (SCI)

  36. T. S. Ma, H. Y. Li and L. H. Dong, A class of double crossed biproducts. Ukr. Mat. Zh. 70(11)(2018), 1533-1540; Translated in Ukrainian Math. J. 70(11) (2019), 1767-1776.  (SCI)

  37. T. S. Ma and H. H. Zheng, (m, n)-Hom-Lie algebras. Publ. Math. Debrecen  92(1-2)(2018), 59-78. (SCI)

  38. T. S. Ma and L. L. Liu, A generalization of Majid's double biproductAdv. in Math. (China) 47(3)(2018), 401-412.

  39. T. S. Ma, L. L. Liu and L. Y. Chen, Symmetries of (m, n)-Yetter-Drinfeld categories. J. Algebra Appl. 17(7)(2018),1850135.  (SCI)

  40. T. S. Ma, H. Y. Li and S. X. Xu, Construction of a braided monoidal category for Brzezinski crossed coproducts of Hopf \pi-algebras. Colloq. Math. 149(2) (2017), 309-323.  (SCI)

  41. T. S. Ma, Y. Z. Wang and L. L. Liu, Generalized Radford biproduct Hom-Hopf algebras and related braided tensor categories. J. Math. (Wuhan) 37(6)(2017), 1161-1172. Published online:2016-03-29.

  42. T. S. Ma and H. H. Zheng, Some results on Rota-Baxter monoidal Hom-algebras. Results Math.72(2017), 145-170.  (SCI)

  43. T. S. Ma and H. H. Zheng, An extended form of Majid's double biproduct. J. Algebra Appl. 16(4)(2017), 1750061 (23 pages).  (SCI)

  44. T. S. Ma and L. L. Liu, Rota-Baxter coalgebras and Rota-Baxter bialgebras. Linear Multilinear Algebra 64(5)(2016), 968-979.  (SCI)  arXiv:1604.02950 (2016)

  45. T. S. Ma, H. Y. Li and L. L. Liu, Double biproduct Hom-bialgebra and related quasitriangular structures. Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B 37(6)(2016), 929-950.  (SCI)

  46. T. S. Ma, L. H. Dong and H. Y. Li, General Hom-Lie algebra. J. Algebra Appl.15(5)(2016): 1650081 (13 pages).  (SCI)

  47. T. S. Ma and H. Y. Li, On Radford’s biproduct. Comm. Algebra 43(9) (2015), 3946-3966.  (SCI)

  48. T. S. Ma, L.L. Liu and H. Y. Li, A class of braided monoidal categories via quasitriangular Hopf \pi-crossed coproduct algebras. J. Algebra Appl. 14(2) (2015): 1550010 (19 pages).  (SCI)

  49. T. S. Ma, H. Y. Li and T. Yang, Cobraided smash product Hom-Hopf algebras. Colloq. Math. 134(1)(2014), 75-92.  (SCI)  arXiv:1604.04090 (2016).

  50. H. Y. Li and T. S. Ma*, A construction of Hom-Yetter-Drinfeld category. Colloq. Math. 137(1)(2014), 43-65. (SCI)  arXiv:1604.02954 (2016).

  51. T. S. Ma, H. Y. Li and Z. C. Zhang, Two results on Brzezinski \pi-crossed product. Comm. Algebra  42(5)(2014), 2082-2098.  (SCI)

  52. W. Z. Zhao and T. S. Ma*, The structure of bialgebra with a Hopf module. Math. Notes 96(4)(2014), 586-595.  (SCI)

  53. T. S. Ma and Y. N. Song, Hopf \pi-crossed biproduct and related coquasitriangular structures. Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova 130(2013), 127-145.  (SCI)

  54. T. S. Ma, Z. M. Jiao and Y. N. Song, On crossed double biproduct. J. Algebra Appl. 12(5)(2013), 1250211 (17 pages).  (SCI)

  55. W. Z. Zhao and T. S. Ma*, Bicrossproduct revisited. Filomat 27(4)(2013), 637-647.  (SCI)

  56. T. S. Ma, H. Y. Li and S. H. Wang, Quasitriangularity of Brzezinski's crossed coproducts. J. Algebra Appl. 10(2)(2011), 241-255.  (SCI)

  57. T. S. Ma, H. Y. Li and S. H. Wang, A class of new braided Hopf algebras. Front. Math. China 6(2) (2011), 293-308.  (SCI)

  58. T. S. Ma, H. Y. Li and W. Z. Zhao. On the braided structures of Radford's biproduct. Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed. 31B(2)(2011), 701-715.  (SCI)

  59. T. S. Ma and S. H. Wang, A method to construct oriented quantum algebras. Comm. Algebra 38(11)(2010), 4234 - 4254.  (SCI)

  60. T. S. Ma and S. H. Wang, Bitwistor and quasitriangular structures of bialgebras. Comm. Algebra 38(9)(2010), 3206-3242.  (SCI)

  61. T. S. Ma, S. H. Wang and S. X. Xu, A method of constructing braided Hopf algebras. Filomat 24(2)(2010), 53-66.  (SCI)

  62. T. S. Ma and S. H. Wang, General double quantum groups.  Comm. Algebra 38(2)(2010), 645-672.  (SCI)


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