发布时间: 2023-04-04 浏览次数:869次 |
[1]Zhiping Shen(沈志萍), Yonggui Liu , Member, IEEE, Zeming Li , and Mahmudul Hasan Nabin, Cooperative Spacing Sampled Control of Vehicle Platoon Considering Undirected Topology and Analog Fading Networks,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, 23(10):18478-18491. (SCI一区,TOP) [2]Zhiping Shen(沈志萍), Yilin Wu, Networked stabilization of multi-input discrete systems with multiplicativenoise[J], IEEE Access,8: 28799-28807, 2020.(SCI二区) [3] Yilin Wu, Zhiping Shen(沈志萍), Yu Liu, Mean square detectability of multi-output systems over stochastic multiplicative channels[J], IET Control Theory and Applications, 6(6): 796–802, 2012.(SCI二区) [4] Zhiping Shen(沈志萍), Yilin Wu, Mean Square Stabilization of Multi-Input Discrete-Time Systems Over Stochastic Multiplicative and Additive White Gaussian Noise Channels[J],IEEE Access,8 : 111791-111801, 2020.(SCI二区) [5] Zhiping Shen(沈志萍), Juntao Li, Chaos control for a unified chaotic system using output feedback[J], Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 132: 208–219, 2017.(SCI) [6] Zhiping Shen(沈志萍), Jiandong Xiong, YilinWu, Uncertain Unified Chaotic Systems Control with Input Nonlinearity via Sliding Mode Control[J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 1-9.doi.org/10.1155/2016/9506795.(SCI) [7] Junyong Chen, ZhipingShen(沈志萍), Jun Zhong, Asymptotic design of quantization and bit allocation for distributed estimation in wireless sensor networks[J], International Journal of Communication Systems, 2016(29):2249–2261. (SCI四区) [8] Bin Hu, Zhiping Shen(沈志萍), Weizhou Su, An upper bound of mean-square error in state estimation with quantized measurements[J], Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2019, 41(2): 582-590.(SCI四区). [9] 陈军勇, 沈志萍*, 邬依林, 加性噪声下网络化多输入离散系统均方可镇定[J], 控制理论与应用, 37(05):1145-1152, 2020.(EI) [10] 沈志萍, 陈军勇, 邬依林, 随机性参数分布式量化估计及其最优比特分配[J], 控制理论与应用, 2016, 33(8):1074-1080. (EI) [11] 沈志萍, 邬依林, 不确定统一混沌系统平衡点的渐近稳定[J], 控制理论与应用, 33(1):98-105, 2016.(EI) [12] 沈志萍, 陈军勇, 邬依林, 随机性标量参数分布式量化的最优比特分配[J], 控制理论与应用, 2020, 37(2): 387-394.(EI) [13] 邬依林, 沈志萍*, 网络化系统周期信号的跟踪[J], 控制理论与应用, 2016, 33(5):685-693. (EI) [14] 胡斌, 沈志萍, 苏为洲, 基于量化测量值的实时状态估计的PCRLB[J], 控制与决策, 2018, 33(10):1820-1824.(EI)